26th September, 2017
LIT 102 is a course designed to help teachers understand how they can use writing strategies and activities to help students improve on their writing. In this week’s class we learnt about the Writer’s workshop, which is one of the strategies used to help improve students' writing skills. This strategy consist of four parts: focus lesson, writing, conferencing, and sharing time. We also learnt that different levels of the writing process should/could be integrated at the different stages of the writer’s workshop.
After we learnt the information, we were expected to choose a level from the Writer’s workshop and integrate it with one of the stages in the Writing process and show how we would help students at that level to improve their writing. Most of the presentations were well done. We liked the way our colleagues presented their information. They were engaging.
What stood out for us were the creativeness in which the information was delivered. For the Author’s chair, the chair was decorated, and the author was wearing a crown while reading their piece. The facial expressions of the readers show that they were very excited with this venture. Also, the Editing marks chart was quite informational and it added to the increase level of participation in the presentation.
However, we thought that more could have been done, for this was evident in one of the presentations. There was evidence of poor or lack of planning. Nevertheless, there are some suggestions that we think, if employ, will make presentations more meaningful. We think that making sure that we understand the materials and instructions prior to presentations will aid in proper planning. We also think that if all groups were presenting on the same topic at the different levels of the Writer’s workshop, it would have caused us to make better connection with the material.
We think that as teacher trainees we can use these same approaches in the classroom when teaching writing, especially the Author’s chair and the Editing marks chart. The Author’s chair can be used as a motivational strategy. Psychologist Skinner said that when students are motivated they get the task done. And, the editing marks chart can be used as a continuous guide in the classroom for the students when they are writing. They can use this chart to edit their writing.
One of our group member participating in the author's chair activity.
Picture shows Delrick Charles reading his story.
Lenford reading his story aloud to the class.
Monique well engaged in the reading activity.
One of the groups presenting on their 'Editing Marks'
Picture showing the different editing marks.
Group Members:
- Janet Charles-Johnson
- Rekeisha Lewis
- Rhea Lewis
- Monica Lewis